Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Drum Roll Please...

And the winner is...

SOUTH AFRICA!!! Send me on my way.... I am off to South Africa (which I will affectionately refer to as SA here and there to save time and space) on January 28th. Actually, I leave for staging, which I am guessing will be in Philly, on that day; however, I probably won't leave for Africa until January 31. I got my medical clearance on Tuesday, September 11th and my invitation was sent out two days later.

I am obviously obsessed with looking up pictures, info, things to buy, etc. regarding SA. After turning in my application in January, I expected to find out where I was going by the end of the summer. In fact, I expected a lot of things from the Peace Corps. I had these dates in my head when things would be completed and grandiose ideas of where I would be going and what the process would be like. However, just the process of applying to serve has taught me an innumerable amount about the Peace Corps. I am glad that the dates I had set to find out where I was going were not the actual dates that came to fruition. I am excited that I have had the opportunity to marinate over this great opportunity. I am humbled by the fact that there are people in South Africa who I have been anxiously waiting to meet and praying about and who do not even know that I am coming yet. But most of all, I am thankful that I have received so much support from my family and friends during this process.

In my opinion, I believe the Peace Corps makes you wait for so long and jump through so hoops to test your flexibility and desire to join. They say only a third of people who apply actually end up getting on the plane....I can understand why. I am so excited to be moving to South Africa because though I may want to be the change I want to see in the world, I desire to see the change in myself just as much.

Now it is off to work on the no-fee passport application, South African visa application, aspiration statement, and resume before the next twelve days is up...ahh!

God Bless..


Joyce said...

Congratulations! This is such a great country to be able to serve in and I know we're all looking forward to you, SA-17, coming to join us!

Joyce, SA-16 (we swore in last week)

Jacqueline said...

That is so great!
I just came across your blog because I'm interested in maybe joining the Peace Corps after I graduate (I'm a freshman in college right now), and actually I am interested in South Africa a WHOLE lot since my whole family is from there and I was born there.. my mother and I immigrated here when I was young
Thank you for documenting your trip!

Sarah said...

Congrats! You are going to love it here! A few words of advice from a SA-16 who just went through all you are about to experience:
1) Ignore the weight limit on the luggage. I stressed so bad about it and our luggage was never weighed! If you can carry it, bring it.
2) Bring your laptop!
3) You are going to have to lose all sense of time and things happening on a schedule. Flexibility is your new best friend.
4) Your new country director is very cool and very kind. He will be a great asset to you.
5) People dress pretty fancy here so be sure to bring some nice clothes.

Good Luck!

Becky said...

I am going to South Africa on Jan 28th as well. What group are you in? I am going to be doing HIV/AIDS outreach.

DreamofAfrica said...

I cannot access your profile, I don't know why, but I am in your same program. I am excited to meet you! Where are you from?


Becky said...

I don't have a profile, not sure how to set one up. I am in Washington DC going to school in the Master's International Program. I am orginally from Kentucky and plan to go back there for a couple of weeks before we leave. Where are you from? My email address is

carrie said...

Congratulations Christi! I am so excited for you that you can finally prepare yourself for this opportunity. I came on here just to see if you had gotten any news yet. I think this page is an amazing networking tool and the fact that everyone will still be able to communicate with you more regularly is comforting. I love you.

Unknown said...

Christi Bibson you are by far the most inspiring person i have ever come across. South Africa is lucky to have you for 27 (hopefully) wonderful months