Sunday, September 9, 2007

In the Beginning...

Well folks...I am officially a blogger! I never hoped to be one, but after carefully consideration and struggle with this whole sharing my life on the internet thing, I've decided it might not be so bad after all. In fact, I am going to attempt to keep up with this blog until I join the Peace Corps and return home. Hopefully, this will allow me to share information with my family and friends in a more effective and possibly more interesting way. With that said, I figure a little history to this blog is not incredibly unreasonable.

I have been applying to the Peace Corps since the end of January 2007. I believe I submitted my twenty-seven page long (once printed) application online on January 28th and the time line has been as follows...


Jan. 28: Submitted application online.

Feb. 12: Had two hour PC interview with my really nice recruiter in Washington, D.C.

Feb. 28: Spoke with PC recruiter and was nominated for Health Extension work in Sub-Saharan Africa beginning in January of 2008.

Mar. 9: Receive PC medical packet.

May 7: Sent PC medical packet with dental exam, physical exam, lab reports of all sorts of blood tests, and eye exam information.

May 12: Receive dental and legal clearance.

Aug. 23: Get letter from PC stating that I need additional blood work to verify iron levels.

Sept 4: Go back to doctor for blood test.

Sept 6: Send blood work back to PC.

Currently...waiting....who would have guessed. =) I am planning to have good news soon so that I can write about something of more substance, but the point of the blog is that if you want to be a PC volunteer, you have to be stinkin patient...because if you aren't simply won't even be able to make it to the plane. Well I'm at work and its back to looking up shortwave crank radios and flashlights on eBay. Until later....

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